

Trading Update Q3 2018

Monday 9 November 2020, 09:00

Significantly increased revenue and profit. Hydratec’s consolidated revenue significantly increased in the first three quarters in comparison to the same period in 2017. As a result, the operating profit significantly increased as well. Revenue at Agri & Food Systems was substantially higher. Despite lower margins, profit nevertheless rose substantially. More than half of the growth ...

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Hydratec acquires company and appoints new CFO

Friday 31 August 2018, 16:42

Acquisition of Polmer (PL) To reinforce the market position of the Plastic Components core activity, Hydratec acquired Polmer Sp.z.o.o. effective 31 August 2018. Polmer is located in Wroclaw (PL) and has 25 years experience producing injection moulding components for various sectors, including the white goods sector, employs approximately 140 employees and has 25 injection moulding machines. This effectively supplements the current ...

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Hydratec achieves 20% increase in revenue and substantially higher profit

Sunday 26 July 2020, 08:00

Key figures for the first half-year 2018 Figures in thousands of euros unless stated otherwise 1st half 2018 1st half 2017 Net revenue 95,471 79,806 Gross margin 51,319 43,421 Operating profit 6,080 3,163 Net profit (attributable to shareholders) 4,934 2,277 Net profit per share (€) 3.84 1.79 Unaudited Revenue and results for the first half of 2018: The consolidated revenue amounted to ...

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Trading Update Q1 2018

Wednesday 9 May 2018, 07:47

Considerably higher revenue and acquisitions in both core activities. Hydratec’s revenue in the first quarter of 2018 was considerably higher in comparison to the same period last year. As a result of the higher revenue, the operating profit and the net profit also rose. In the Plastic Components core activity, revenue was comparable to last year and profit was slightly higher due to a ...

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Profit rises by 20%

Thursday 22 March 2018, 17:31

At €169 million, Hydratec’s revenue was slightly higher than last year (€162 million). Revenue of the Agri & Food companies, in particular, increased. At 52.9% the gross margin increased in comparison to last year (52.4%). The operating profit amounted to €8.3 million and was somewhat higher than in 2016, but in that year ...

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