Industrial Systems
Pipe Extrusion TechnologyRollepaal is a leading manufacturer of extrusion equipment for PVC, PVC-O and PO pipes. Rollepaal’s experts develop sustainable, innovative and cost-saving solutions for pipe producers throughout the world. For example, Rollepaal’s solutions make it possible for pipe producers to work with recyclate. With more than 50 years of experience, Rollepaal is expert in the manufacture and delivery of equipment for pipe manufacturers.

Continuous improvement
Rollepaal for years was part of Europe’s largest pipe producer. That gave the company the opportunity of learning everything there is to know about what customers consider important in the production of pipes. For instance, pipe producers were anxious to get hold of Rollepaal’s innovative and cost-saving solutions for raw materials, which are the largest cost item in the production of plastic pipes. Rollepaal’s experts continuously improve their solutions, so that they continue to be a global frontrunner in their profession.
To website Rollepaal
Rollepaal exports its products to more than 100 countries. The company provides advisory and other services in many countries through its branches in the Netherlands (Dedemsvaart), the United States (Baltimore), India (Ahmedabad) and through a network of agents.

Job vacancies

Rollepaal 13
7701 BS Dedemsvaart
The Netherlands
+31(0) 523 624 599