Bs05122024hydratec0269 Dir

Hydratec Industries NV’s Management Board

Hydratec Industries NV’s Management Board consists of:

B.F. Aangenendt (1964), Co-CEO

  • Year of appointment: 2012
  • End of current term: 2028

Bart Aangenendt, in accordance with the articles of association, was appointed Managing Director of Hydratec Industries in 2012 and CEO in 2015. He is the former Director of Royal Pas Reform, a subsidiary of Hydratec Industries.

E.H. Slijkhuis RA (1968), Co-CEO & CFO

  • Year of appointment: 2018
  • End of current term: 2026

Everien Slijkhuis was appointed CFO of Hydratec Industries in accordance with the articles of association in 2018. Prior to this she occupied various positions with ultimate financial and IT responsibility, mostly in international production companies and in the manufacturing industry.